In antibody drug discovery it is crucially important how quickly and how many new and good clones are obtained, regardless which platform is employed.
In this regard, the Company has access to multiple antibody generation technologies, including the ADLib® system that we developed of our own, and by leveraging the features of each technology in integrated manner,
we select the best clone (antibody) in less time. By taking this, we raise the probability of successful antibody generation to put into pipeline.
In addition, we have platform technology that supports a wide range of drug discovery processes, not only antibody generation technology,
but also technology for protein processing of such as antibody and antigen in high purity, humanization and affinity maturation,
and skills and know-how for pharmacological study. We possess sufficient equipment and facility to run all of these works.
The other key element to success is to keep good scientists and researchers. Chiome hires and employs professional people with science and highly developed skills.
Also we make efforts to keep our science and technology level high through collaboration with organization and expert people.
- タンパク質調製Preparation of Recombinant proteins
組み換えタンパクRecombinant proteins
膜タンパクMembrane proteins
- 抗体作製mAb Generation Platform
動物免疫タンパク質・細胞・DNAAnimal immjunization
B cell cloningB cell cloning
- 抗体エンジニアリングmAb Engineering
親和性向上Affinity maturation
抗体評価機能・親和性・物性Functional evaluation
多価抗体作製Multi-specific antibody
試験用抗体生産Lab-scale mAb production
抗体作製技術Antibody Generation Technologies
- ADLib®システム ADLib®System
・ヒトライブラリを用いた場合、ヒト化の工程を経ずにヒト抗体を取得することができる The ADLib®system features superior speed to conventional methods and the ability to obtain antibodies that were difficult to obtain by conventional methods.
・ 動物免疫(*1)が不要なので、抗体取得にかかる時間が短縮できる In the ADLib® system, genetic recombination is activated in antibodies of DT40 cells to increase the diversity of the antibody protein. (DT40 cells are a cell line prepared from chicken cells.)
・ 抗体ライブラリ(*2)の多様性を自律的に高めることができる Specific antibodies are then caught like fish with magnetic beads coated with a particular type of antigen.
・ 動物免疫と異なり、自己抗原への免疫寛容(*3)の影響を受けないため、理論的にはあらゆる配列のタンパク質を認識する抗体が取得できる可能性がある Chiome Bioscience holds the exclusive license to this technology developed by RIKEN.
- ハイブリドーマ法Hybridoma
・ 動物免疫による抗体作製法で、最もよく用いられる The most common method for producing monoclonal antibodies.
・ 手法が確立されており、医薬品化された実績も多い There are many achievements that antibodies obtained by the hybridoma method became pharmaceutical products.
・ ヒト抗体産生動物を用いた場合、ヒト化の工程を経ずにヒト抗体を取得することができる Since animals are used, there are limitations to the amount of antigens that can be used and the range of antigens to which the technique can be applied.
- B cell cloningB cell cloning
・ 動物免疫を行った後、ハイブリドーマを作製せずに抗体の配列を決定するため、ハイブリドーマ法より短期間で目的の抗体を得ることができる After animal immunization, the sequence of the antibody is determined without preparing the hybridoma, so that the target antibody can be generated in a shorter time than the hybridoma method.
・ 抗原特異的なB細胞(*4)の検出率がハイブリドーマ法よりも高く、取りこぼしが少ない The detection rate of antigen-specific B cells is higher than that of hybridoma method, and the abandon rate is lower.
・ ヒト抗体産生動物を用いた場合、ヒト化の工程を経ずにヒト抗体を取得することができる
技術に関する主要特許 Patents related to our technologies
関連 Related to | 発明の名称Name of invention | 出願人Applicant/Assignee | 登録状況Patent status |
ヒトADLib®システムHuman ADLib®system | ヒト抗体を産生する細胞Human antibody-procuding cells. | 当社Chiome Biscience | 日本・欧州・中国で成立。 米国で出願中。Granted in Japan, Europe, China Pending U.S. |
抗体の取得方法Method for acquiring antibodies | 当社Chiome Biscience | 日本・米国・欧州・中国で成立。Granted in Japan, U.S., Europe, China | |
抗体可変領域の多様化を促進する方法Method for promoting diversification of antibody variable region | 当社Chiome Biscience | 日本・米国・欧州・中国で成立。Granted in Japan, U.S., Europe, China |